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Breaking Boundaries: Women Drive $25 Billion Surge in UAE Real Estate Investments

A new study reveals that female investors invest nearly $25 billion into Dubai’s booming real estate market in 2023, marking a massive 53.9% increase from 2022.The analysis, conducted by leading real estate fund manager in Dubai, credits improved financial literacy, access to capital, and government empowerment initiatives as drivers behind this remarkable growth.

The report found that Emirati, South Asian, and East Asian women are leading the pack regarding snapping up property in the Emirates. It projects women will contribute 22% of tota l real estate investments in Dubai during the first quarter of 2024, valued at around $3.27 billion. However, the quarterly numbers are expected to dip temporarily due to the usual Ramadan slowdown.

“The rise of female investors speaks louder than statistics – it’s a story of empowerment, financial expertise and a reshaping real estate landscape,” stated by real estate investment experts. “We’re witnessing the beginnings of a more inclusive, dynamic property market driven by investor diversity.”

Millennial women are the primary engine behind this capital influx, likely due to higher financial literacy and market exposure than previous generations. Moreover, evolving attitudes and increased acceptance of women as financially independent decision-makers play a role. Of course, Dubai’s investor-friendly regulations, stable economy, and strong yields haven’t hurt either.

The data shows the yearly number of women real estate investors in Dubai leaping from 26,698 in 2022 to 38,059 last year – an impressive 42.5% jump. According to the experts “female investors aren’t just growing in numbers and demonstrating serious buying power fueling market expansion.”

They also added, “These figures highlight the success Dubai real estate is having in changing social mindsets while proving the tremendous economic impact wielded by women investors.”

With no signs of slowing down, women investors seem poised to continue reshaping Dubai’s property landscape for years. Their ranks and capital reserves quickly transform the Emirate into a global hub for inclusive, dynamic real estate investment.

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